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Audio Description Enhances Disney's "Strange World" for Children with Vision Loss

Buena Park, California-- Partners for Pediatric Vision held our fifth Audio Described movie event on December 4th, 2022, thanks to the Krikorian Metroplex in Buena Park. Fifteen children with vision loss and their families were able to "watch" Disney's Strange World, with the help of additional narration through headphones. Thank you to the Krikorian Metroplex and owner George Krikorian for hosting Partners for Pediatric Vision families for this free event.

The families shared that this was a great opportunity to spend time together during the holiday season and a special time out at the movies with other families with a visually impaired child.

After the movie, families were treated to lunch followed by a special holiday gift for the children thanks to the Mattel Children's Foundation generous donation of toys. Vistas for Children and Junior Vistas, longtime supporters of Partners for Pediatric Vision, purchased additional toys and wrapped every gift. Portillo’s donated their famous chocolate cake (which was a hit). Trader Joe's also contributed toward the lunch.

The families expressed their appreciation for everyone who made this event possible. Some families even said this event has become a holiday tradition for them and something they look forward to every year:

"Going out to the movies when we normally aren't able to, I think it's a great opportunity for the whole family to be together and enjoy. We have been to other activities hosted by PPV and we've enjoyed them all thoroughly. We appreciate everything you guys do, everything all the volunteers and donors do, it just makes everything great around the holidays." - John, Jeremy's father

"I've been attending the audio described movie with my granddaughter Karena who is now 10, for the last four years. I really appreciate the way PPV arranges everything for the children. It is difficult to fully express my feelings, it is so nice of you. Every year this is my birthday present from Karena, she always brings me here to celebrate." - Kalpana, Karena's grandmother

Partners for Pediatric Vision appreciates our community partners and volunteers that make this movie event so memorable. Watch the video for a heartfelt thank you from our children and families.

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