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Giving Blankets, Touching Hearts

The Binky Patrol is a very busy group of volunteers with local and national chapters who create beautiful handmade quilts, blankets and animals in order to brighten lives and bring smiles. Lucky for Partners for Pediatric Vision, the Binky Patrol has been donating these works of art to our children and families for over 10 years. During that time, the Binky Patrol has made hundreds of blankets from baby size receiving blankets to snuggly TV blankets for our teens. Children and families receive these incredible gifts of love when they are seen at our partner low vision clinics.

Recently, Judith and Jane, members of the Binky Patrol, were inspired to create interactive tactile play mats for our children with visual impairment. These play mats include tactile roads with garages for a toy car, and a mermaid themed play mat complete with velcro fish and seaweed made from fabrics that invite exploration. Significant planning and thought goes into each unique play mat. The high contrast colors and patterns and the variety of textures and fabrics are designed to encourage visual attention and tactile learning.

We are grateful to the Binky Patrol and Judith and Jane for the time and creativity that goes into crafting these gifts of love. They bring smiles and touch the hearts of all of us at Partners for Pediatric Vision.

"Thank you to the Binky Patrol and Judith and Jane.  Kayden loves his special play mat!" Bernice, Kayden and Keenan

"Thank you to the Binky Patrol and Judith and Jane. Kayden loves his special play mat!" Bernice, Kayden and Keenan


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